Grievance Procedure


The Western Australian Bar is committed to providing a working environment where barristers and those engaging with barristers can conduct themselves free from discrimination, sexual harassment and workplace bullying.

To that end, on 8 September 2020 Bar Council approved a Procedure to deal with grievances concerning discrimination, sexual harassment and workplace bullying.

The Procedure sets out ways of reporting behaviour or making a complaint about behaviour which constitutes discrimination, sexual harassment and workplace bullying.

The Grievance Procedure is divided into two parts.

The first outlines a procedure for grievances raised with the WA Bar. The Grievance Procedure is also available for sets of barristers’ chambers to adopt or modify as they see fit.

The second part sets out the role of Grievance Stewards. The list of Grievance Stewards, which will be reviewed on behalf of Bar Council every two years, reflects members of varying seniority, background, attributes, and different sets of barristers’ chambers.

The following members of the WA Bar are Grievance Stewards:

John Hedges SC
Julie Taylor SC
Bettina Mangan SC
David Bayly
Jonathan Davies
Elspeth Hensler
Rachel Joseph
Felicity Maher
Neil Morrissey
Helen Prince
Steven Wong

It is to be emphasised that the Procedure is not the only way in which discrimination, sexual harassment or workplace bullying may be dealt with. It is important that a person who witnesses or experiences discrimination, sexual harassment or workplace bullying is not discouraged from raising the issue. Any concerns may always be discussed, confidentially, with the President or another senior member of the WA Bar.