Alexander Mossop

Shoreline Chambers
Level 18
37 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2010 Year Elected to WABA: 2016 Qualifications: BA (UWA), LLB (Distinction) (UWA),
Grad Dip Military Law (ANU)

Alexander Mossop

Alex Mossop has a broad practice with a focus on the following areas:

  • Criminal law (State and Federal) particularly white collar, corporate crime and appeals.
  • Regulatory, consumer protection and civil penalty proceedings including ACCC and ASIC matters.
  • Regulatory and statutory offences including work health and safety prosecutions.
  • Professional disciplinary proceedings.
  • General commercial matters.
  • Employment law.
  • Inquests and inquiries.
  • Sporting tribunals.

Alex is also regularly appointed to conduct independent investigations.

He began his career at Freehills (now Herbert Smith Freehills) before serving as Associate to the Honourable Justice AN Siopis of the Federal Court of Australia.

He then practised as a solicitor in commercial, regulatory and disciplinary matters. During that time he also undertook a secondment to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Immediately prior to joining the Bar, Alex practised in a broad range of criminal and quasi-criminal matters which required regular court appearances in contested applications and jury trials.

Alex also serves as a Legal Officer in the Australian Army Reserve.

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