Bettina Mangan SC

Francis Burt Chambers
Level 15, Allendale Square
77 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1983 (WA) Year Elected to WABA: 2009 Year Appointed KC/SC: 2022 Qualifications: BJuris, LLB CV: Click here to download

Bettina Mangan SC

After working in a variety of litigation areas, Bettina gravitated towards insurance work.

In 1989 Bettina was appointed to the Insurance Commission of Western Australia’s panel of solicitors. Bettina received instructions from other insurers, including Wesfarmers Insurance (WFI), Allianz, and CGU Insurance Australia (CGU) on a range of personal injury, property and some professional negligence matters as well as purely insurance and associated contractual matters. Bettina also acted on occupational health and safety prosecutions and coronial inquiries.

Bettina established and supervised a family law practice in 2006.

On 31 August 2009 Bettina retired as a partner of Lavan Legal and the following day – 1 September 2009, joined the independent bar.

Bettina receives a steady stream of work from solicitors who act for insurers, on a variety of matters. The general profile of Bettina’s work is catastrophic injury matters, contractual indemnities, coronial inquests, insurance, negligence, and professional disciplinary matters. Bettina’s practice is comprised of providing opinions and acting as counsel at trial and appeal hearings, as well as at some pre-trial conferences and mediations.

Bettina has appeared as counsel in a variety of jurisdictions including the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Coroner’s Court of Western Australia, District Court of Western Australia, Family Court of Australia, Family Court of Western Australia, High Court of Australia, Magistrates Court of Western Australia, Northern Territory Magistrates Court, State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia, Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, and Supreme Court of Western Australia.

Bettina is a qualified mediator.

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