Konrad de Kerloy SC

Fourth Floor Chambers
Level 4
40 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1983 (WA) 1999 (England & Wales) Year Elected to WABA: 2021 Year Appointed KC/SC: 2024 Qualifications: B.Juris, LL.B CV: Click here to download

Konrad de Kerloy SC

Konrad specialises in major commercial disputes and dispute resolution involving corporate governance, directors’ duties, banking and financial instruments, breaches of contract, professional negligence, corporate insolvency and reconstruction and industrial and employee disputes.

He is an experienced trial and appellate advocate. He has appeared as lead counsel in cases in the High Court, Federal Court, Supreme Court, District Court and the SAT. Those cases have involved contractual disputes, professional negligence, issues and disputes concerning liquidations, receiverships and administrations, breach of director’s duties, share buy backs, land valuation, planning, employment and industrial relations disputes. He has also been lead counsel in international arbitration and expert determination matters.

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