Elspeth Hensler

Francis Burt Chambers
Level 19, Allendale Square
77 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1993 (VIC), 1997 (WA) Year Elected to WABA: 2006 Qualifications: BA / LLB (Monash University) (1992)

Elspeth Hensler

In addition to my advocacy and opinion work as a barrister, I have given papers for the Law Society of WA and other organisations approved by the Legal Practice Board as providers of CPD for the Legal Profession in Western Australia.

I am President of Australian Women Lawyers and a member of the WA Bar Council, the WA Bar Association, the Law Society of WA, Women Lawyers of WA, and AMPLA, and a former Chair of the Western Australian Legal Assistance Forum, and President of Women Lawyers of WA Inc. In 2014 I was presented with the Attorney General’s Community Service Law Award and jointly presented with the Western Australian Bar Association Distinguished Service Award. In 2015 I received Women Lawyers of WA’s award for Woman Lawyer of the Year.

I sail, cycle and am a freelance double bass player. I am a committee member of Nova (an organisation promoting contemporary classical music).

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