Colin Huntly

Murray Chambers
E.B. Johnston House
259 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2016 Year Elected to WABA: 2023 Qualifications: BBus, PGradDipBus, MCom(Business Law) (Curtin); PhD(Law) (Murdoch); LLB (UNE), GDLP (College of Law); Cert IV (Training & Assessment)

Colin Huntly

Colin is an experienced advocate and former decisionmaker in commercial, criminal, family, administrative and constitutional matters in state and federal courts and tribunals.  Colin’s experience includes inquiries and other inquisitorial forums, including parliamentary inquiries.

Colin’s practice at the Bar is people-focused and outcomes-oriented.

Enquiries are best addressed to Colin’s EA, Eddy Paulson via email at [email protected].

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