Rachel Oakeley

John Toohey Chambers
Level 3, Citibank House
37 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2007 Year Elected to WABA: 2015 Qualifications: LL.B (Hons) - UK, 1995; Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice - UWA, 2005; Nationally accredited AIFLAM Mediator, 2012; LL.M Masters in Applied Law (Family), College of Law, Sydney, 2014

Rachel Oakeley

Rachel obtained her LL.B (Hons) in the UK in 1995. She worked in a number of management and consultancy roles in the UK until 2003, when she immigrated to Australia.

Having obtained her Australian legal qualification through UWA, she worked for a number of prominent family law firms in Perth between 2006 and 2014.

Rachel appears frequently as counsel for matters before the Family Court of Western Australia. This continues to be her primary area of practice.

Rachel is a nationally qualified mediator and provides services as a Chairperson for Mediation Style Conferences for parties engaged in Family Law negotiations and litigation.

Rachel has also appeared in the Children’s Court of WA in relation to Care and Protection Matters and in the Magistrates Court of Western Australia for Violence Restraining Order matters.

Rachel’s is a regular presenter on the topic of Surrogacy and Fertility Law and has co-authored a paper on the topic in the International Family Law Journal ([2015] IFL 12)

Professional Memberships:

  • Family Law Practitioners’ Association of Western Australia (Treasurer)
  • Law Council of Australia (Family Law Section)
  • Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators & Mediators
  • Reproductive Technology Council (Deputy Member, representing Women’s Interests)
  • Surrogacy Australia (Legal Committee)
  • International Surrogacy Forum
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