Robert Cunningham

Murray Chambers
Level 1
57 Murray Street
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2004 Year Elected to WABA: 2015 Qualifications: PhD (ANU), LLM (Hons), LLB (Hons), B Bus (Accounting), GradCertLP

Robert Cunningham

Dr Robert Cunningham specialises in Federal Court matters, with a particular emphasis on corporate law litigation concerning directors’ duties, market misconduct, disclosure and corporate contracting. He also works in intellectual property and international trade law. As part of his active interest in public interest advocacy, Robert provides legal advice and court advocacy to not-for-profit organisations and consumer protection advocates.

Robert draws upon his significant academic work within his practice areas. He has been embedded within various universities throughout his academic career, including the Australian National University, University of California (Berkley), New York Law School and Queen Mary College (London). He has published numerous academic journal articles and books, as both sole-author and co-author, primarily in the fields of corporate law, intellectual property and international trade law. He regularly presents this work domestically and internationally.

Robert is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law, member of the Western Australian Bar Association and Murray Chambers, along with being Professor-of-Law and Dean of Curtin Law School. He maintains teaching and research commitments in Corporate Law, Corporate Governance, Professional Responsibility, International Trade Law and World Trade Organization Law.

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