Briee Rogers

Albert Wolff Chambers
Level 5
33 Barrack Street
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2013 Year Elected to WABA: 2024 Qualifications: LLB, B.ForSC

Briee Rogers

Briee is an experienced litigator having represented both plaintiff and defendant claimants across multiple jurisdictions, including the WA District and Supreme Courts, ACT Magistrates and Supreme Courts, and the Supreme Court and Dust Diseases Tribunal of NSW. She holds a Bachelor of Forensic Science with majors in forensic chemistry and forensic biology alongside a Bachelor of Laws, enhancing her analytical and legal skills. Specialising primarily in insurance and negligence claims, Briee has a particular interest in the science and medicine aspects of legal disputes and enjoys working alongside expert witnesses to assist the Court to obtain clarity on what can be technically complex issues.

Outside the courtroom, Briee is an active member of the Perth legal community, participating as a guest judge in the WA Law Society’s mock trial competitions and is also a Board Member of the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia serving on the Professional Affairs Committee and the Legal Services Complaints Committee for the Legal Practice Board.

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