Adam Spashett

John Toohey Chambers
Level 3, Citibank House
37 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2009 Year Elected to WABA: 2025 Qualifications: LLB, Independent Children’s Lawyer

Adam Spashett

Adam commenced Articles in 2008 and was admitted to practice in 2009. He has since worked as a Senior Associate, Director, and Head of Practice, for a number of specialist family law and boutique practices, appearing as Counsel in relation to family law, child protection, restraining order, and appellate matters.

Adam is an experienced Independent Children’s Lawyer and Separate Representative, and was most recently Senior Family Law Consultant and In[1]House Counsel for Legal Aid WA.

Adam is an experienced advocate and has appeared in all State Courts and Federal Family Law Courts at first instance and appellate level.

Adam accepts briefs in all areas of family law with a particular interest in complex property and parenting cases, and appellate work.

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