Steven Penglis SC

Fourth Floor Chambers
Level 4
40 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1982 (NSW), 1984 (WA) Year Elected to WABA: 2012 Year Appointed KC/SC: 2018 Qualifications: B.Jurs (UNSW), LLB (UNSW) CV: Click here to download

Steven Penglis SC

Prior to being called to the Bar in October 2012, Steven was the senior commercial litigation partner at Freehills, Perth. Steven commenced practice (in New South Wales) in 1983 and became a partner of Freehills in 1987. He was the Pro Bono Partner of Freehills Perth from 1991 to 2012. Steven has served as a part-time Senior Member of the Administrative Appeal Tribunal (2005-2015), as a member of the Council of the Law Society of Western Australia (2002-2012), Convenor of the Society’s Courts Committee (totalling 15 years to 2012) and as a member (1996-2011) and Chair (2002-2007) of the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia.

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