Stuart Shepherd

Murray Chambers
E.B. Johnston House
259 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1987 (WA), 1993 (England & Wales) Year Elected to WABA: 2008 Qualifications: BJuris (UWA), LLB (UWA)

Stuart Shepherd

Stuart Shepherd was called to the bar in 2008, having undertaken a broad practice as a litigator, primarily in civil matters, commercial fraud prosecutions and regulatory matters. Before practice as an independent barrister, Stuart was engaged as a partner in firms in England and Western Australia.

Admitted in Australia, England and Wales, Stuart appears in all Courts and Tribunals, at first instance, and on appeal.

Stuart is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia and an Associate at Curtin University. He is Chairman of the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia.

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