Anthony van der Westhuizen

Francis Burt Chambers
Level 15, Allendale Square
77 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2011 Year Elected to WABA: 2024

Anthony van der Westhuizen

Anthony has been practising as a lawyer since 2011 and is an experienced litigator and dispute resolution specialist, who mainly practises in the areas of commercial law, industrial and employment law, and family law.

He represents corporate and private clients in a range of commercial matters such as contractual disputes, enforcement of restraints of trade, shareholder disputes, landlord and tenant disputes, property disputes, consumer protection claims, and claims for negligence.

He represents both employers and employees in a range of disputes, such as unfair dismissal claims, general protection claims, restraints of trade, and civil penalty proceedings. He also gives advice on award coverage and compliance, self-reporting, and enterprise agreements. He has represented employers in South Africa, Australia and the United Kingdom.

In his family law practice, he represents clients in a host of proceedings relating to divorce, parenting orders, international abductions and relocation, guardianship, child support, spousal maintenance, property and financial settlement, family violence and restraining orders, mediation and arbitration.

He is a member of the Commercial Law Committee of the Law Society of WA, the Family Law Practitioners Association WA, and the Industrial Relations Society of Western Australia.

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