Steven Whybrow SC

Francis Burt Chambers
Level 23, Allendale Square
77 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1990 Year Elected to WABA: 2024 Year Appointed KC/SC: 2022 Qualifications: BSc / LLB (Hons)

Steven Whybrow SC

Steve Whybrow was called to the Bar in 2002 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2022, having practiced predominantly in the ACT and NSW. Steve relocated to Perth in 2024 (wondering why it took him so long to see the light).

From 1990-2002, Steve was employed as a Crown prosecutor with the ACT Office of Director of Public Prosecutions, where he appeared as prosecuting counsel for the Crown in Supreme Court trials, sentences, and appeals, and as counsel assisting in numerous inquests and inquiries.

Steve’s wide practice encompasses criminal law, personal injury (including medical negligence), professional negligence, work, health and safety, administrative, commercial law, and inquests and inquiries.

As a Reserve Legal Officer in the RAAF, Steve has appeared as both prosecuting counsel and defending officer in Court Martials and other Military Tribunals. He is an Assistant Inspector General of the ADF and has undertaken various administrative inquiries for the ADF and has been deployed to the Middle East twice to undertake such inquiries.

Steve regularly presents at legal and other conferences and is an outspoken advocate for the Rule of Law.

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