Apply to Become a Member

Why become a member

Promoting and maintaining a strong and independent Bar is central to the objects of the Western Australian Bar, and it is an important part of the services provided to members.  In providing first class education and training for members, the WA Bar enhances the development, reputation and effectiveness of an independent Bar as a vital part of our legal system.

Collegiality has been, and continues to be, a hallmark of practice at the Bar.  Membership of the WA Bar provides many opportunities through various educational and social events, to share ideas and experiences, and to be part of the community of counsel.

The WA Bar works in the interests of its members by:

  • providing the highest standard of education and training for members;
  • offering CPD events that are tailored to meet the needs of practising barristers;
  • promoting equality within the law, including by the endorsement of the Law Council of Australia Equitable Briefing Policy;
  • encouraging inclusiveness and diversity;
  • promoting and maintaining the tradition of collegiality.

Application for membership of the WA Bar may be made by completing a “Local” or “Interstate” Application for Membership form.  The application must be accompanied by two letters of reference from current ‘local’ members of the WA Bar.  Usually the references should be provided from the WA Bar members who have known the applicant professionally for 5 years.  The referees are also each required to sign the schedule attached to the application form.

Applications are considered by the WA Bar’s Bar Council at its next (usually monthly) meeting.  Bar Council considers whether the application should be referred to a General Meeting of the WA Bar for election as a member pursuant to Clause 5(1)(a) of the Constitution.  This process may occur after a candidate has actually commenced practising as a barrister at a set of chambers.  Membership of the WA Bar is formally approved by the members in General Meeting, but where Bar Council has recommended an applicant for membership the privileges of membership are extended to the applicant pending the next General Meeting.

There is no fee payable on lodgement of an application.

Should you have any queries or require further information about applying to become a member, please contact our Executive Officer, Debbie Cole.

Email:  [email protected]
Phone:  (08) 9220 0477

Becoming a member of the WA Bar and holding a practising certificate are entirely separate.  The Legal Practice Board has statutory responsibility for the issue of annual practising certificates to all legal practitioners, including barristers.

The Legal Practice Board’s contact details are:
Level 6
111 St George’s Terrace

Phone:  (08) 6211 3600
Facsimile:  (08) 6211 3650
Email:  [email protected]

Find A Barrister

The Western Australian Bar only contains the contact details of those barristers who are members of the WA Bar with current WA or Interstate practising certificates and who have agreed to their details being made available.

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