Barristers’ Fees

Within any relevant statutory limits, barristers individually will negotiate fees with those instructing them.  Fees may be charged on a daily rate, an hourly rate, a fixed fee for particular services, or a combination of daily rate, hourly rate and fixed fee.

Variables that affect the fees charged include:

  • The nature and urgency of the service required;
  • Seniority and experience of the barrister;
  • The complexity and/or duration of the matter;
  • The thoroughness of the brief prepared from the barrister.

When a barrister is briefed by a solicitor or a firm of solicitors, the responsibility for payment of the barrister’s fee personally rests upon the solicitor who briefs the barrister, not with the solicitor’s client.  Solicitors should take appropriate measures to secure with the client the likely fees rendered by the briefed barrister.

Find A Barrister

The Western Australian Bar only contains the contact details of those barristers who are members of the WA Bar with current WA or Interstate practising certificates and who have agreed to their details being made available.

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