
The Legal Practice Board (LPB) has statutory responsibility for regulation of all legal practitioners in Western Australia.  The Legal Services and Complaints Committee (LSCC), which deals with professional complaints and discipline, is an independent statutory committee of the LPB.

A complaint against any legal practitioner, including a barrister, can be made to the LSCC.

Further information about the LSCC and its procedures is available here.

The contact particulars are:
The Legal Practice Board of WA
Level 6
111 St George’s Terrace
PERTH  WA  6000

Phone:  (08) 6211 3600
Facsimile:  (08) 6211 3650
Email:  [email protected]

The Western Australian Bar, through its Disciplinary Committee, is responsible for determining any complaint by Bar Council in respect of the conduct of a member where a member is guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct, or has breached the WA Bar Constitution.

The Disciplinary Committee is independent of Bar Council.

Bar Council may inquire into the conduct of members and may lay complaints in the name of the Secretary to be determined by the Disciplinary Committee.  Where the Disciplinary Committee finds a complaint proven it can impose a number of penalties, including expulsion from the WA Bar.

The WA Bar is unable to investigate, or provide advice or assistance in relation to complaints against legal practitioners who are not members of the WA Bar.

Find A Barrister

The Western Australian Bar only contains the contact details of those barristers who are members of the WA Bar with current WA or Interstate practising certificates and who have agreed to their details being made available.

Counsel Type