Tom Pontré

Francis Burt Chambers
Level 16, Allendale Square
77 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2013 Year Elected to WABA: 2021 Qualifications: BA (WAust), LLB (Hons) (WAust),
BCL (Oxon)

Tom Pontré

Tom Pontré practises in both commercial and public law.

Tom’s broad experience includes contractual disputes, judicial and merits review, environment and planning, regulatory prosecutions, and coronial inquiries.

Tom has trial and appellate advocacy experience, and has appeared in most jurisdictions as sole counsel, including the Court of Appeal, the Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts, and the State Administrative Tribunal.

Before joining the bar, Tom was an Assistant State Solicitor in the Litigation Team at the State Solicitor’s Office where he conducted a wide-ranging commercial and public litigation practice as both solicitor and counsel.

Tom began his career in 2010 as Associate to the Hon Chief Justice Martin at the Supreme Court.

Tom holds a Bachelor of Civil Law from the University of Oxford, and degrees in Arts and Law from the University of Western Australia where he has tutored in commercial and administrative law.

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