Christian Porter

Geoffrey Miller Chambers
55 Murray Street
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1998 Year Elected to WABA: 2023 Qualifications: B.Ec
B.A (Honours 1st Class)
L.L.B (University of Western Australia)
M.Sc (London School of Economics)

Christian Porter

Christian Porter was admitted to practice in 1998, first working in Commercial Litigation at Clayton Utz and then later as a Senior State Prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions WA, where he prosecuted serious criminal offences in both the District and Supreme Courts. Between 2006 and 2008 Christian also lectured both Criminal Law and Evidence at the University of Western Australia and was a Professor of Law at Curtin University.

In 2008 Christian was elected to the WA Legislative Assembly and served variously as the State Minister for Corrective Services, Treasurer and Attorney-General. In 2013 Christian was elected to the House of Representatives and while in Federal politics he held various portfolios, including as Commonwealth Attorney-General from December 2017 to March 2021.

Since retiring from Parliament in April 2022, Christian has returned to the law being called to the Bar in 2023. He now practices out of Geoffrey Miller Chambers.

Christian brings unique experience, knowledge, and skills to his practice as a Barrister. He specialises in criminal and quasi-criminal matters and has experience in a range of other litigation, including interlocutory, administrative, and regulatory proceedings in a full range of Courts.

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