Vicky Priskich

Owen Dixon Chambers West
525 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Year Admitted: 1994 (WA), 2001 (Vic) Year Elected to WABA: 2014 Qualifications: LLB (WA), SJD (Melb), DiplCarb CV: Click here to download

Vicky Priskich

Dr Vicky Priskich practices as a barrister and arbitrator.

She practices in commercial disputes with a particular focus on trusts and equity, company law, banking and finance and energy.  Her experience includes disputes in relation to:

  • trusts law, in which she has a deep knowledge of, with experience involving managed investment schemes and commercial and charitable trusts.
  • banking and financial products, including fraudulent or misleading and deceptive transactions and financial investments such as bonds.
  • energy, in a regulatory context and in commercial settings, such as gas supply and cost and revenue sharing agreements.
  • breach of supply contracts for goods or services, such as a distribution agreement.
  • company law, including breaches of directors’ duties and oppressive conduct.

Vicky is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a Fellow of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration.

Vicky is co-author of Lender Liability (Thomson Reuters) with Professor James O’Donovan. Her doctorate in law from the University of Melbourne complex issues involving the liability of companies within a corporate group.

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