Rodney Worth

John Toohey Chambers
Level 3, Citibank House
37 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 2015 Year Elected to WABA: 2021 Qualifications: LLB (First Class Honours)

Rodney Worth

Rodney accepts briefs in family law, protection and care and restraining order
matters. Rodney may also accept briefs in other areas upon request.

Rodney commenced practice at a boutique family law firm focusing primarily on
financial cases. He then took employment at Legal Aid WA to round out his
experience in parenting matters. From July 2019 to September 2021, Rodney was
the Legal Associate to the Honourable Justice Sutherland, Chief Judge of the Family
Court of Western Australia.

Prior to completing his law degree, Rodney worked as a contracts specialist on
large-scale mining construction projects in Western Australia.

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